May 14, 2013

Facebook evil? Grow a pair

Author: srcloud
Look, I'm one of those vanguard liberal types who deactivated their Facebook account. I admit it. There, it's out in the open. I'm an exuberant jumper onto bandwagons. It's a weakness of mine. That's why I was one of the first to sign up to Facebook when it made its debut online - a whole technological lifetime ago now. I can't help it. I like new. I turn against old. It maybe doesn't bode well for my mother in her dotage.
But seriously. I'll tell you something. I didn't quit because I thought Facebook was evil. I quit because I thought a lot of the people I knew on Facebook (alas, some even friends) were evil, still are I suppose. Yes, I couldn't stand the narcissism, the blatant me me'ness of it all, the banality. That was my jumping-off point. Not privacy. I couldn't give a stuff about that. If people want to express themselves online, they had better be willing to stand by their words. If you don't like your past thoughts reflecting back who you are at you, don't express yourself online, don't publish a thought ever, including in an email, in a letter even. It's as simple as that. As simple in fact as saying: you are paranoid! Facebook is not out to get to you. It's not evil. You are just a big fat wimp.
Of course, here I am blogging away pseudonymously. However, this is my authorial name and when I make it big, my face will go with it. That's my get-out from hypocrisy. By the way, this is actually my name name as well, believe it or not, just I chose to use initials for the first two of them. It's a writerly thing. I think. Probably an ego thing too.
So, in brief, people should shut the eff up and deal with the fall-out from their comments online. Stop worrying about what employers will think. If they don't want to accept that employees are real people with real vices, real thoughts, opinions and so on, then that is very much their problem. Fact is no one would be employed if people were honest about who they are, what they think etc. And then where would the employers be, eh?
Right, so, point made. Stop being such a lily livered puss. End self-censorship now by saying to yourself: it's not Facebook that's evil, it's my paranoia. And keep writing stuff online. And don't be a liberal arse like me and deactivate your Facebook account just because you detest a few of your friends. Grow a pair and delink those friends instead.
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Join me as I dig deep into my midlife crisis to see what's there.
Plus articles, ultra short stories (you could read three of them over breakfast, easy), novel excerpts and a bit of philosophical babble here and there.
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May you not sink into the quagmire.