May 14, 2013

Facebook evil? Grow a pair

Author: srcloud
Look, I'm one of those vanguard liberal types who deactivated their Facebook account. I admit it. There, it's out in the open. I'm an exuberant jumper onto bandwagons. It's a weakness of mine. That's why I was one of the first to sign up to Facebook when it made its debut online - a whole technological lifetime ago now. I can't help it. I like new. I turn against old. It maybe doesn't bode well for my mother in her dotage.
But seriously. I'll tell you something. I didn't quit because I thought Facebook was evil. I quit because I thought a lot of the people I knew on Facebook (alas, some even friends) were evil, still are I suppose. Yes, I couldn't stand the narcissism, the blatant me me'ness of it all, the banality. That was my jumping-off point. Not privacy. I couldn't give a stuff about that. If people want to express themselves online, they had better be willing to stand by their words. If you don't like your past thoughts reflecting back who you are at you, don't express yourself online, don't publish a thought ever, including in an email, in a letter even. It's as simple as that. As simple in fact as saying: you are paranoid! Facebook is not out to get to you. It's not evil. You are just a big fat wimp.
Of course, here I am blogging away pseudonymously. However, this is my authorial name and when I make it big, my face will go with it. That's my get-out from hypocrisy. By the way, this is actually my name name as well, believe it or not, just I chose to use initials for the first two of them. It's a writerly thing. I think. Probably an ego thing too.
So, in brief, people should shut the eff up and deal with the fall-out from their comments online. Stop worrying about what employers will think. If they don't want to accept that employees are real people with real vices, real thoughts, opinions and so on, then that is very much their problem. Fact is no one would be employed if people were honest about who they are, what they think etc. And then where would the employers be, eh?
Right, so, point made. Stop being such a lily livered puss. End self-censorship now by saying to yourself: it's not Facebook that's evil, it's my paranoia. And keep writing stuff online. And don't be a liberal arse like me and deactivate your Facebook account just because you detest a few of your friends. Grow a pair and delink those friends instead.
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About the Author
Join me as I dig deep into my midlife crisis to see what's there.
Plus articles, ultra short stories (you could read three of them over breakfast, easy), novel excerpts and a bit of philosophical babble here and there.
I welcome copy proposals for publishing. Please get in touch ( with your proposal and we\'ll take it from there.
May you not sink into the quagmire.

5 Countries Where Marijuana is Legal (Almost!)

Author: Robert Kane
Marijuana users have always sought legal loopholes in countries where it is illegal to own or smoke it. Many people choose to buy marijuana seeds (which is legal in many places), then grow and smoke their own (which is not!) But every marijuana smoker has probably dreamed at one point or another of living in a country where marijuana is legal - or at least where the 'rules' concerning possession are so lax that it is effectively legal.

Most people know about Holland\'s famously relaxed laws regarding marijuana (which is why it doesn\'t feature on the list below!) While no other country has achieved such high profile recognition for making marijuana legal, a number of places around the world have quietly relaxed their laws concerning possession for personal use. In most of these countries, possession still remains technically illegal, but penalties are not enforced if you are within certain guidelines - this is known as decriminalisation.

So, if living in a country where marijuana possession isn\'t punished by the law sounds like heaven, here are five places you should consider emigrating!


After a recent court debate about whether or not to punish those who buy and grow marijuana, Argentina has effectively made marijuana legal if it is in small quantities for personal use. A leading judge in Argentina even decided that it was 'unconstitutional' to legislate against marijuana possession! Those who buy marijuana seeds and grow their own are also leniently treated, so long as they are growing a small number of plants. The country is also notably supportive of several medical marijuana programs.


Before you go booking a one way ticket to Sydney, make sure you do your research. Different regions have different rules, but Western Australia, Southern Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland have all decriminalised marijuana to a certain degree. In Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland, police have taken to 'ticketing' those caught with less than 50 grams of marijuana rather than arresting them, and Western and Southern Australia have instituted on the spot fines for minor possession rather than official warnings or arrests.


Since 2003, the Belgian government has made the possession and use of marijuana legal under the following conditions:

• The amount possessed is 5 grams or less
• You are over 18
• You do not smoke in the presence of minors
• You do not smoke in public

You can buy marijuana seeds and grow them in Belgium without penalty - however, you are only allowed to own one female plant. The purchase and sale of marijuana is still illegal, but most Belgians simply get their marijuana in Holland.


Colombia, has had relaxed laws concerning drug possession for over ten years. Possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana, one gram of cocaine and one gram of heroin is not considered to be illegal, although things may change - recent conservative governments have considered repealing this law to combat Colombia\'s drug culture.


Unlike the other countries on this list, Nepal doesn\'t have an actual decriminalisation policy towards marijuana - it\'s rather that the laws they have are hardly ever enforced! Marijuana used to be legal in Nepal, making it a hippy Mecca in the 1960\'s and early 70\'s. It has been illegal since 1973 - not that you\'d notice. Marijuana is widely available and used, especially by Nepalese holy men. Note that smuggling and growing are punished, but possession and personal use rarely are - if the police catch you smoking they will stop you, but only to collect a small bribe!
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About the Author
Robert Kane is the managing director of Sensible, where you can buy marijuana seeds and informational books online. The website sells its products to customers all over the world.

May 12, 2013

Keeping Pets Cool in Summer

It's the time of year we've all been waiting for, when the snow has finally melted and we can open the front door and let our dogs and cats roam free. Being cooped up all winter makes pets antsy and lazy and when the weather turns nice they can't wait to barrel through the grass and woods on their daily adventures. However, in addition to fleas and ticks, pet owners need to be mindful of how hot the weather gets and take precautionary measures to ensure their dog or cat doesn't suffer from heat stroke, heat exhaustion and dehydration. With all their fur and their penchant for running around it's very easy for certain breeds of dogs and cats to overheat and if left alone this can be a serious problem. Follow some easy tips to ensure your little buddy has a healthy and safe summer.
Avoid Leaving a Pet in the Car - It's inviting to take a pet on a car ride or to a park or beach on a sunny day. Short trips that don't involve prolonged time in a hot car is fine but if you are going shopping or out to eat it is recommended you leave your pet at home. Even when you crack a window pets can overheat quickly in a car and may start to panic which can lead to their paws pushing some buttons and hitting some levers that shouldn't be touched. Pets in cars are also at risk for being taunted by children or getting overexcited when another pet is near. Do your pet and your car a favor and limit the time your pet spends in the car.
Always have Water Available - Whether you pet stays inside or is allowed out in the morning for the day it is important to make sure he always has access to fresh drinking water. Dogs and cats know when they need to drink so you don't have to watch over them, just leave a bowl of cold water in a place they know and if possible check it throughout the day to ensure it is full and the water is clean. Even when kept inside pets may succumb to sudden heat waves and if you are not home to adjust the air conditioning at least provide water so your pets can stay hydrated.
Watch for Unusual Behavior - Keeping an eye on your pet's behavior is another good way to ensure he doesn't suffer from heat-related conditions. If you notice your pet panting excessively, seeking out cool places to lie down and struggling to walk it's a sure sign he is too hot. Usually some time in an air conditioned room with some cold water should be enough for your dog or cat to rest and rebound but if the symptoms persist contact your local vet and make an appointment for a checkup.
For affordable pet care in Connecticut visit the Middletown Veterinary Hospital.
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Training Your Parrot

Expert Author William Earl Moore
Parrots are great pets for the family. you will notice very quickly that these breads of birds are very intelligent and quick learners which makes the training very easy and exciting for the trainer.
You must never forget that birds with great intelligence can easily get bored with their training, this means as the training instructor you must spend the time needed to make your parrot feel content with being in your presence.
This will include both time and patience to correctly train your bird. by taking your time and being patient you will create a bond with your parrot that will last a lifetime.
By following a few very easy steps you can easily start the training for your bird. First thing is when you start your training session always take the bird out of the cage and find a small quiet area away from the cage. This will make it much easier for your parrot to stay focused and devoted to the task at hand.
The next step is to eliminate all distractions in the training area. Distractions in the training area will cause your parrot to get sidetracked and will result in a poor learning session. make sure you turn off the stereo,cell phone and TV.
Remember this, Parrots are like raising your young children. Training sessions should be small periods of time, Parrots have very small attention spans so take your time and always be patient.
Another thing to remember choose your session time around the bird's daily schedule. One of the best times to start a training session Is right after a meal, Your bird will be content and pay attention to what you are teaching. Always compliment your parrot, The more the better. Parrots really appreciate being complimented.
OK now this is very important, In the beginning of your training if it does not seem to be working at a level you wish it was. Never let your parrot see your stress level If you get mad and show your stress level to your bird, This will cause a undesirable encounter for the parrot which will in return cause a focus and learning problem in future training sessions.
Now its time to teach your bird a new trick. If you use a treat to compliment the trick your bird will remember this and start to work for the treat. Another thing you should always remember is: Not just birds but all animals respond to training session better to compliment compared to punishment or yelling at them. Always avoid yelling or punishing your bird even when they are performing a trick wrong.
Ignoring bad conduct is always the best thing to do when in a training session with your bird. Parrots do not understand a unfavorable offer or punishment. So this being said understand that if you decide to respond to your parrots bad behavior this may in fact be taken into view from the bird as constructive attention. This in return will cause undesirable conclusions to the training sessions.
Also remember your parrot will always love food and treats for compliments, but always try to praise worthy conduct and promote play around time. otherwise, you will have a problem getting your bird to perform or participate in training tricks when a snack or treat is not offered.
Repeating the tricks over and over again is very important to being successful in the training of your pet. The more you repeat the better your parrot will get. Just keep repeating these training steps over and over, And in time your parrot will learn the tricks and it will get easier for your bird to complete the trick. This general instructions concept will work for easy tricks as well as advanced talents.
For instance start out with a easy trick like having your parrot sit on your finger on demand. Use only 1 Keyword for each trick, And use the keyword every time you practice the trick. Remember never force or push your bird to train. If your bird seems to be tired or uninterested in training, Immediately stop the session and start the training session at a later time.
As time goes on and your parrot starts to learn tricks and commands you can start moving the training area closer to the bird's cage. As the confidence builds in your parrots unique skill they will begin to perform more and more in the household as well as there own bird cage.
Parrots learn amazingly fast in almost all cases. Not only by repeating training sessions but by just listening to sounds around them. So be careful what you repeat around them because chances are you will hear your own words sometime in the near future.
Just remember a few important things training a parrot requires a lot of patience and time. To make the partnership worthwhile you have to exchange love and take the time to understand your bird. With love training and proper care you can and will end up with a well trained bird and friendship that will last a lifetime.
William Moore is the Founder and Webmaster of VIP Pet Care. To learn more about VIP Pet Care please go to If you or somebody you know are looking for a great resource for pet care or information, You will definitely want to browse this website for the great pet facts shared here at
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