Nov 1, 2014

The Kowhai New Zealand's National Flower by Alan Jolliffe

If there is one flowering plant that New Zealanders call their National Flower it is the Kowhai. It grows naturally throughout the dryer areas of New Zealand and because it is so popular it is planted in almost every garden.

There are however 2 main species of Kowhai. Sophora tetraptera, North Island Kowhai and Sophora microphylla, South Island Kowhai. Where these plant grow side by side in the wild natural hybrids also exist. Many hybrids have occurred in gardens as well. Additionally there are 2 naturally occurring varieties of S. micropyhlla and numerous forms, some of which have been named.

The North Island Kowhai, Sophora tetraptera is the easiest to grow and fastest to flower when grown from seed. It is probably the most commonly available in the
Nursery industry.

As a garden plant the North Island Kowhai is excellent. With its fast upright growth it is ready to flower in 3-5 years. It does not go through all the twiggy juvenile stages of other Kowhais. It is easy to grow and will succeed in almost all garden situations. It will reach a height of 4-6m with a trunk diameter of 30-60cm.

In the wild S. tetraptera grows naturally along forest margins, in lowlands and hill country and alongside streams. Its natural altitude range is from sea level to 450 metres.

Often described as an evergreen tree it losses all its leaves for a very short period each year. In spring all the old leaves drop off as the new leaf buds break and develop into new branchlets. All the old leaves are replaced to provide a fresh green look. The leaves are divided along the mid rib into a number of leaflets. Each leaflet is oval shaped 25-30mm long and 5-7mm wide. It creates a feathery look. The new young branchlets and young foliage covered with dense silky hairs which are smooth to touch.

The most distinctive feature is its flower. Each spring the large bright yellow flowers appear in pendulous clusters of 5-7 on naked branches. These showy clusters appear in great profusion. Individual flowers are up to 6cm long and the colour is a golden sulphur yellow. The calyx, which holds the petals in place, is a yellowish/green colour that adds further colour to the flowers.

Tuis and bellbirds love these flowers and visit them to drink the sweet nectar. Unfortunately these birds, in their haste, tear the flowers to pieces.

Following flowering seed pods are produced. These 4 winged pods house a single seed in specially constructed compartments. Each pod may have up to 8 seeds. When mature the seeds may be gathered and sown quickly to ensure they germinate.

Pests and diseases include the Kowhai moth whose larvae eat the leaves and the seeds. Scale insects may invade the Kowhai and they are easily controlled by spraying with all seasons spraying oil.

The Kowhai is the best known NZ Native flowering tree and one of the most beautiful. As a small tree it is excellent in many small gardens where light foliage cover is required and a burst of colour in spring when it smothers itself with blooms.

The botanical/Latin name has the following meanings. Sophora is an Arabian name for a tree with pea shaped flowers and tetraptera means 4 winged seed. Previously it was included in the genus Edwardia. Kowhai is the Maori name and means yellow.

Maori also recognised the Kowhai as an important plant. Its medicinal properties were explored by the Maori and poultices were made from bark and applied to wounds and tumours. An infusion of barks (a tea) from the Kowhai and manuka was used to treat internal pain, bruises and broken limbs. Wood ash from the Kowhai was used to treat ringworm.

The Maori are said to have regulated the planting of potatoes by the flowering time of the Kowhai.

The wood of the Kowhai is valuable as is it is very durable. Logs have been used straight from the bush and used in construction without any special treatment.

As an individual tree the Kowhai is a superb garden plant. It is small enough for even the smallest of gardens but it is large enough to make an impact. As a garden tree there is none better in spring.

In the larger landscape the Kowhai makes a big success. Mass plantings of Kowhai make a tremendous impact on the scenery. This can best be seen in some of the naturally occurring stands in the Rangitiki area of the North Island.

Plantings of the Kowhai should be encouraged throughout NZ and in other places around the world to ensure this icon of New Zealand plants is able to show us its best each spring.

About the Author

Alan Jolliffe is a garden writer and lecturer. I am available to write special articles for you about Gardening and about New Zealand. I am a professional horticulturist, recreation manager, tourism advisor, teacher, local government manager and heritage property manager.
Visit my WEBlog at

Oct 25, 2014

How Computer Viruses Work by Jeremy Hall

The computer virus has a history which spans almost the entire lifespan of home computers. Computer viruses as we know them first made their appearance in the late 1980's. The first computer viruses came at a time which was perfect for their ability to spread and to achieve the dominance they have now. Lets look at some of the reasons.
The late 1980's saw the number of personal computers being used increase dramatically. Before the 1980's there where no computers as we know them today. Any computers being used where only used by experts in educational and military implementations. It was the popularity of the IBM PC in 1982 that saw a surge in the number of computers being used in homes and businesses. By the late 1980's computers were becoming a permanent fixture in homes,offices and in schools and colleges.
The second important part of the advent of computer viruses was the bulletin board. Using a modem computer users could dial a bulletin board and featured primitive versions of the email we all use nowadays as well as in many cases the ability to download all sorts of programs. It was the advent of the bulletin boards that not only gave enthusiasts a fertile ground to spread the sort of information that enabled programmers to develop malicious programs but also gave them a fertile breeding ground. The age of the trojan horse was ushered in by the birth of the bulletin board.
Before you can do what is necessary to answer the question of how can I remove a trojan horse virus from my computer you must understand what it is.
A trojan horse started out as a program with its name taken from Homer's Iliad. The name and description of the program would entice people to download it and once downloaded it would proceed to conduct malicious activities on the pc. Some Trojan horse programs would be bound to valid programs and others would use subterfuge to delay the user from suspecting their pc had been infiltrated.
Trojan horses generally only infect a few people at a time because if you are vigilant towards these kinds of malware they are very easy to detect and easy to remove. Warnings of these kind of programs would spread fast so their activity would be on a limited timeframe only.
The most significant reason for the start of computer viruses was the creation of the floppy disk. In the 1980's computer programs where very small so it was rare that computers would have hard discs as they have now. In fact apart from very basic operating systems some would require floppy discs to even start up. This meant that it became possible to hide virus code in the system areas of floppy discs, once an operating system disc was infected any other clean discs inserted into the system would be attacked and act as a stepping stone to another clean system.
In order to learn how do I remove a virus from my computer it is beneficial to understand the history of computer viruses. The only way to be able to fight these types of malicious software is to have a clear understanding of where these malware threats come from.

About the Author

To learn more about removing computer viruses from your pc visit my blog and learn how do i remove a virus from my computer.

Oct 18, 2014



Like the late Rodney Dangerfield, you may sometimes find that you "don't get no respect." In Rodney's comedy routine, disrespect was amusing. But in real life it fills us with indignation.

Our typical response is sarcasm or avoidance. Has such a reaction EVER made a difference in getting more respect from others? I doubt it.

Today I'm going to show you a better way to deal with disrespectful people who irk you, frustrate you, and drain you of energy.

HERE'S THE SECRET: When someone gets under your skin, do them a small favor or give them a small token gift. Here are some real-life examples:

* A divorced man, whose ex-wife played power games by impeding his relationship with the children, decided to try the small favor route. One day when he picked up the kids from her house he brought her a quart of gourmet-grade cherries. "I was at the farmer's market and saw these cherries, which I recall were one of your favorite treats," he said casually. "I know the market is far from your house, so I figured as long as I'm going to stop by here anyway, I would bring you a few."

* An employee whose boss was hypercritical made a point of bringing her a copy of a magazine article on antiques, a subject that the employee knew was the boss's hobby. As the employee walked by her desk he stopped briefly and gave her the article. "I read this piece in Newsweek last night, and thought I'd bring it in just in case you hadn't seen it," he said nonchalantly.

* A college student happened to be in the vicinity of a classmate who had participated in spreading a rumor about her. The classmate had just exclaimed that her cell phone battery was dead. The student pulled her own phone from her pocket and offered, "Here. Go ahead and use mine."

In all the above examples, the recipients of the gift or favor reacted with a puzzled expression, but nevertheless accepted the gesture. In two of the situations the recipients became more friendly later on. (Unfortunately, the hypercritical boss did not, but that's a subject for another article.)

When you first try the gift/favor approach, it won't feel right at all. The immature recesses of your mind (what I call the "inner brat") will NOT want to do it. It may even scold you for kissing up to someone who treated you with disrespect.

But your inner brat doesn't realize that you are not kissing up. You are taking charge, choosing to rise above the other person's hostility. This is the mark of a mature person, something the inner brat can't understand.

Here are some tips to make the gift/favor strategy even more powerful:

1. You don't have to act right away -- in fact sometimes it's more effective when you wait a while.

2. The gift or the favor must be very small. If it's too lavish, the other person might consider it a bribe or a manipulation. In the earlier example of the ex-wife, suppose the man had brought her some expensive perfume. In that case she could have easily assumed that he was just trying to control her.

3. Any favors that you do for this purpose must appear casual and incidental. Note that the man with the cherries told his ex that he noticed them while he was shopping at the farmer's market. He gave them to her at the same time that he was picking up his kids. He didn't make any special trips. When you present token gifts in such a casual manner, the recipient is less likely to feel manipulated.

4. Use this approach sparingly. If you do it too often, you may be viewed as patronizing or "kissing up." It's better to save it for infrequent little surprises.

As I mentioned earlier, this approach does not work 100% of the time. But even when it doesn't, you can still reap a benefit. Because you choose to respond with kindness and consideration, you will remain calmer and feel more in control over the situation. And, as an added bonus, you may find that you are not so annoyed by the other person after all!

About the Author

Pauline Wallin, Ph.D. is a psychologist and coach in Camp Hill, PA, and author of "Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-defeating Behavior" (Wildcat Canyon Press, 2004)

Visit for more information, and subscribe to her free, monthly Inner Brat Newsletter.

Oct 11, 2014

What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Pet Allergies by Colleen Finnegan

What causes pet allergies? The primary agents are proteins produced in the hair, feathers, fur, urine, saliva, and feces of pets. These proteins can stimulate a wide and uncomfortable variety of symptoms in sufferers.
Pet allergies can spring up all at once, or they can evolve over months or years. A new cat owner, for instance, may suffer no allergy symptoms until six months after introducing a pet to her apartment. It's important not to jump to conclusions about the cause of symptoms.
Many environmental and physiological factors can produce "pet allergy like" symptoms. You may be allergic to other substances (e.g. pollen, mold, poison ivy, certain foods, climatic variations, and even stress) or suffer a medical condition like influenza, eczema, lupus, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
The best way to settle the diagnosis is to discuss the matter with your doctor. He or she can perform a range of tests (including skin and blood tests) aimed at pin pointing triggers. Be aware that allergies can often be comorbid with other conditions. To relieve symptoms, you will need to treat all triggers.
Symptoms of Pet Allergies
Pet allergies can present in vastly different ways in different patients. Some sufferers may experience eczema, nettle shaped rashes, and other skin blotches. Others may get asthma or other bronchial problems. Still others may present with full-on "hay fever like" symptoms, such as watery eyes, runny nose, headache, and congestion.
Symptoms can also vary in how, when, and how intensely they present, and individuals can respond to allergens in their environments differently at different times. For instance, let's say you're allergic to dogs. During one encounter with a golden retriever, you may develop hay fever symptoms and difficulty breathing. Several weeks later, you can encounter the same golden retriever, and this time, you may experience an allergic rash but no hay fever symptoms.
Allergic symptoms can create secondary health problems as well. Pet allergy sufferers are statistically more likely to develop ear infections, insomnia, and the common cold. Moreover, if left untreated, these symptoms can impede one's ability to travel, visit friends, or even go shopping.
Notwithstanding all of these negative symptoms, a surprising number of Americans "work through" their symptoms just to have the joy of spending time with their favorite companions. Approximately two millions Americans, according to one study, keep cats even though they are allergic to them.
What Makes Pet Allergies Worse?
Just because you have a pet allergy doesn't mean that you can't be allergic to other things in your environment. Indeed, your allergy symptoms can be exacerbated by a whole host of environmental factors, such as cigarette smoke, pollen, dust in the air, and even your diet. If you don't stay in shape by running, eating well, sleeping enough, limiting your stress, and avoiding excess consumption of drugs, alcohol, and caffeine, you can make your symptoms worse. Some studies even suggest that non-allergic pet owners who lead unhealthy lives put themselves at risk of developing allergies to their pets down the line.
How to Treat Pet Allergies
Fortunately for pet allergy sufferers, solutions abound. The simplest but in some ways saddest solution is to avoid pets entirely (or at least the pets which trigger your allergy symptoms). Thankfully, there are intermediate solutions you can try before parting with Fido or Mittens.
Taking allergy shots can prevent symptoms from developing. Minimize exposure in your environment by cleaning your house of pet dander particles or setting up a HEPA filter to circulate the air and eliminate pet allergens.
Shop for so-called low allergy pets, such as shorthaired cats or "low allergy" dogs like Bichon Fris's. If you can wrangle your pet for regular baths, you can reduce the amount of pet dander that will circulate in your house. Also, make sure to keep your pet healthy and active -- studies suggest that pets that are confined can become more allergenic over time.
If you're "super allergic" to pets and you need to visit someone who owns an animal which triggers your symptoms, wear a mask, and/or bring medications to control symptoms. Finally, declare an "allergy free zone" in your house. You may be able to control your symptoms simply by staying out of rooms your pet occupies regularly.
Medications to Control Symptoms
You can find over-the-counter and prescribed antihistamines to control symptoms, and corticosteroids and/or bronchodilators can be effective as well. You can also try over-the-counter topicals, such as eye-drops, nasal sprays, creams, and even non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Finally, it is possible to build up tolerances to pet dander through a program of controlled exposure over time. You may want to speak with an allergy specialist to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan. If you're really allergic to a certain type of animal, make sure to carry emergency medication on your person in the event that you encounter that animal, since you may not have time to get to medical help before severe symptoms set in.

About the Author

For 25 years, Allergy Control Products has been recommended by thousands of physicians as the most trusted allergy company for revolutionary products for indoor allergies. Whether you're looking for the highest quality air purifiers, air filters, hypoallergenic bedding or more

Oct 4, 2014

Wildlife Tour India - Unleash Your Adventurous Side with Rich Flora And Fauna by Rajendra Sharma

Is the adventurous streak in you insisting you enough to head for a wild safari? Are you dying to explore the diversity of nature in its rich flora and fauna? If yes, then a wildlife tour is all that you need. But a wildlife tour would mean cutting on your luxuries and living in harsh and extreme conditions. What if you don't happen to be the types who can lead a robust lifestyle? What to do then? Bid adieu to the thoughts of a wildlife tour? Or is there another option?
India is the answer and the ultimate solution too for all your desires. The land itself spells magic and boasts of a wide variety of hues of life. Be its mesmerizing landscape, or the colorful culture of its people, everything about the country seems to have a magnetic effect. India truly is a land of diversity and this diversity not just exists till its people, or highly varied landscape. This diverse streak of the country is more than evident in its flora and fauna too.
Jungles in India are a delight to watch. Plush greenery and the sound of jovial elephants thumping by is a true treat to the eye. If you are heading for a wildlife tour India, be prepared to explore the wildest side of nature. The country is home to the famous Indian tiger, one out of the five sub species spread across Asia. And not just the tiger, the country amalgamates some of the most exotic varieties of fauna such as the leopard, Indian rhino, deer and elephants.
Scared? Don't be. A wildlife tour India engages the best security measures to keep you safe while you enjoy the luxuries of nature. You could catch up with one of the most splendid views of the country's diverse wildlife seated on an elephant back. Really! Most wildlife tour India packages engage you in an elephant safari where you can catch the entire view of the jungle riding high on an elephant. And if the elephant ride does not seem to be the ideal choice for you, nothing to worry as you can opt for a jeep safari.
All right the wildlife part seems to be rocking enough but what about the luxuries? Would you really have to stay in those tents near the jungle that you have seen in your favorite Hollywood flicks? Relax! To serve your luxurious side these wildlife tour India packages provide you accommodation in the best of wildlife resorts. These resorts will offer you all that you need to live at peace. Some of these resorts are even equipped with the latest modern gadgets to offer convenience to the technology savvy traveler.
Not to forget, the ever so colorful tribes of the country. You shall find these tribal nearby the jungles. Your resort may engage you in a festive spirit by arranging for a tribal dance. Don't be disappointed even if you don't get to watch these tribal dances as you can always benefit from the ample knowledge of these tribes.
Go ahead and experience the lethal combination of adventure and luxury with a Wildlife tour India.

About the Author

Rajendra Sharma is a renowned travelogue and has been dealing with travel guides. If you want to know more about Wildlife tour India, Hotels in Delhi, Pushkar camel fair and Safari Tour India you can visit

Sep 27, 2014

Clutter Control In Your Car Using 5 Simple Organizing Tips by Marilyn Bohn

Do you feel you practically live in your car? Americans spend an average of 2 hours per day in their cars. They are often command centers when we run errands, act as a shuttle driver to take children to school, chauffeuring to sport activities, music practice, or running back to school to take forgotten homework. We make grocery store runs and stop at the local nursery for gardening supplies, we have car pool days not to mention taking kids to play dates, taking the children to the park and maybe squeezing in time to meet friends for lunch.
If you use your car like a second home, cars can also get over run with stuff. Here are some great organizing tips for clutter control. It is important when driving to keep distractions and searching for things at a minimum. Create a system to help with clutter control where you keep everything you need at your finger tips without having to search under or between the seats or on the floor.
The Front Seat: The front seat is home to a family of things; chargers for cell phones and other electronic equipment, water bottles, magazines, sun glasses, books, cell phone, maps, directions to where you are going and snacks. But where do these end up? If your car is like a lot of cars these things are all over the front seat and are all jumbled so you can't find anything.

Here's an organizing tip to help with front seat clutter control: containers. A universal center console organizer conveniently holds all of the items mentioned above plus much more. It can fit on top of the passenger seat or between bucket seats. This web site at has many different organizers for all types of vehicles. If an organizer is placed on the passenger seat it can be easily be moved when you need the seat and everything from there will stay in one place.

Another web site also has a wide selection of organizers. Their front seat organizer sells for $10.49. They sell glove box organizers, electronic organizers and MP3 Player or cell phone organizers. Also check your local variety stores for organizers.
Another organizing tip is to have a sturdy trash container you can easily remove and empty. This is essential to keeping clutter control in your car. Some trash containers strap to the back seat, or others fit between bucket seats in the front and back on the floor. When everything is assigned space then it is easy to stay on top of clutter control.

The Back Seat: If you have children that need something to keep them occupied when they are in the car a hanging organizer behind both seats holds CDs, school supplies, toys, books, snack containers and drinks. Behind one seat a removable tray could serve as a table for games or doing homework. A hanging trash bag could be secured on one side, not just a plastic bag, but a sturdier bag. By having things in easy reach of the children makes clutter control simple and yes, even easy.

Insulated seat back organizers that hang from the front or back of any seat keeps drinks chilled and snacks within reach of the child. An entertainment organizer that has pockets to hold videos or DVDs and CDs can be found at

Trunk Area: Items scattered about such as a diaper bag, sports equipment, work out bag, hazardous road kit, first aid kit, or groceries can be efficiently contained in compartmentalized systems that make use of vertical space for clutter control. Place as many containers as needed to keep everything organized and in its place.

I recommend a bucket or trash basket in the garage so each time you pull into your garage you or your family can immediately take the trash out of the car. This is a good habit to teach children from the time they are about two years old. They will look forward to doing it and will feel so important from the praise they will receive.

With all the clutter control you have done you now have a "second home" you can be proud of.
Marilyn's bio: Marilyn is a creative organizer who helps women, seniors and their families create space and end clutter in their homes and offices by setting up custom made systems.
Marilyn invites you to visit her website where you can find solutions to your organizing needs. She offers free tips in her blogs, articles and videos for your home and office organizing solutions.

About the Author

Marilyn is a professional organizer who helps women, seniors and their families create space and end clutter in homes and offices by setting up custom made systems.
Marilyn invites you to visit her website where you can find solutions to your organizing needs. She offers free tips in her blogs, articles and videos for your home and office organizing solutions.

Sep 21, 2014

Safer Driving at Night by David Williams

As dusk falls, so does our visual ability. Instead of bright, well-defined colors, sharp images and easy tracking of rapid movement, peripheral activity details and hues are indistinct and our ability to pick up rapid movement is greatly impaired.
At night we simply cannot trust our eyes and our vision to the extent we can in daylight - experts reckon at night we only see about a tenth of what we'd pick up in daylight.
What we see and what we don't
Our eyes are actually very good at dealing with a wide range of light intensities - from almost pitch dark through to strong light. But adjusting from one to another takes time. That's why the glare of headlights can pretty well blind you - and even hurt you - if your eyes have become used to the darkness of a quiet country lane.
When it's anything other than good daylight, we're constantly playing catch-up with the information we get from our eyes. That's a scientific fact - inevitably we're all slower to react at night. So as smart drivers we adjust our driving to deal with the restrictions placed on our vision, rather than expecting our eyes to achieve performance levels they're scientifically not capable of achieving.
So how come we see at all? Well, at night we are dependent upon artificial sources of light, and occasionally a contribution from bright moonlight.
The dangers
The first source of danger concerns what we can actually see. Danger can be the result of the restricted vision that occurs when it's dark - after all, 90 per cent of our ability to react depends on what we see. We also become more sensitive to bright lights and other distractions on the road ahead.
With these distractions, it pays to ensure we make a thorough job of planning a journey so we're not trying to read a map or hastily scribbled directions in poor light conditions. It also means we can devote our 100% attention to the driving task, as we know that road signs, vehicles, pedestrians and other hazards are that much harder to see when it's dark.
Driving tired
Fatigue is also a major risk. Not just the straightforward challenge of staying awake at a time when the body naturally wants to slow down and rest, but also the eye fatigue that can come with staring straight ahead for long periods.
One particular effect of fatigue is that it slows reaction times. We may pride ourselves on fast reactions when we're feeling wide awake and fit, but these inevitably slow down when we're tired.
More to the point, we may be in tip-top shape, but are we making enough allowance for other drivers who may have been awake - and at the wheel - for far too long a time?
Beware the effects of alcohol, not just in you but in other road users. It remains a significant factor in fatal road crashes. If you're out and about late on a Friday or Saturday night, be on the lookout for drunken pedestrians who may lurch into your path. And who's to know whether or not the driver behind you has had a drink? Reinforce your safety by thinking for others as well as for yourself.
Be seen
Remember, being seen as just as important as seeing. So don't leave it until well into twilight before you turn your lights on. Someone else's vision may not be quite so good as yours, so why run the risk of having someone run into you because they couldn't see you in time?
Tips for safe night-time driving
* Plan your journey. Think of your own physical limits and build in extra breaks if you have a long night-time drive. Reckon on at least 15 minutes every two hours.
* Check that the indicators, rear lights, brake lights, sidelights, headlights and main beams are all working properly. And have a spare set of bulbs in the car, just in case a bulb fails when you're out and about.
* Get into the habit of regularly cleaning your lights and windows: a regular wipe of your lights is an excellent idea, especially during extended periods of bad weather or in winter when you're likely to pick up mud and dirt. Don't let frost, ice or condensation place further restrictions on visibility.
* Be considerate with use of full beam. Don't use full beam in town, make sure you dip your headlights when you're behind someone else or when another vehicles is approaching from the other way.
* Have a dazzle policy - if you find you're being blinded by someone else's full beam and it's safe to do so, then slow down or even stop until they've gone by. Don't meet their full beam with full beam of your own. Don't match their mistake with similar actions of your own.
* Keep alert. It really pays to keep a good lookout for other road users. As we've seen, it's much harder to see them at night - even if they are wearing a fluorescent jacket. Pedestrians on country lanes without pavements, cyclists, revellers coming out of pubs or clubs at closing time... you'll often not see someone until you're really close to them.
* You need to increase gaps between yourself and the vehicle in front. Decrease your speed, increase the time and space you've got to stop safely. You won't be able to see hazards as early as you can in daylight, so make sure you compensate by building in extra time and space - and they both come from reducing your speed.
* Remember that at night the likelihood of someone else doing something to endanger you is of course greatly increased. It's usually at night that people drink, take drugs - or try and break into your car... and obviously pay special attention if you're on the road when the pubs or clubs are closing.

About the Author

David Williams was awarded the MBE in 1998 for services to Road Safety. He is Chief Executive of GEM Motoring Assist, who offer breakdown cover online, including policies for motorcycle breakdown recovery.

Sep 15, 2014

If You Want a Friend, Get a Dog! by M J Plaster

Carl Icahn, the hostile takeover master who was THE original corporate raider, is often quoted as saying, "In this business, if you want a friend, get a dog!" The rest of us already knew that dog was man's best friend, and with good reason. Dogs as pets date back at least as far as the days of Pompeii, where the remains of a dog stretched out next to a little boy were recovered from the rubble at Pompeii.

We all know that dogs are cute, warm, and cuddly, requiring little more than food, water, shelter and affection to return unwavering devotion. Dogs have earned their rightful place as a family member. In fact, what family portrait is complete without the family canine?

Dogs earned their place of prominence years ago among their blind and deaf owners and in local, state, federal and international law enforcement. Hint: be sure to rid your coat pockets of doggie biscuits the next time you travel, unless you want to be attacked by a drug and bomb-sniffing dog.

A quick glance through the amazing true stories ripped from the headlines below demonstrates that dogs may never fall from their pedestal as man's best friend! While it's true that we must do for dogs what they cannot do for themselves, have a look at the things that dogs have done for us that we could not or did not want to do for ourselves.

Dogs CAN smell cancer

On September 24, 2004, the Associated Press reported that the first scientific experiment to prove what has long been suspected--that dogs can smell cancer--was successful. A dog's sense of smell is far superior to that of a human's: 10,000 to 100,000 times better. The results of the study appeared in the British Medical Journal. The study proved that dogs could indeed smell cancer. What remains to be determined is whether dogs can effectively communicate the presence of cancer. What's most promising is that dogs may well be able to detect the presence of cancer before high-tech medical testing.

Dogs help seniors live longer

In 1999, a study reported in the Journal of American Geriatrics concluded what many have known intuitively and anecdotally for a long time: seniors with pets live longer and fuller lives both physically and mentally. Once again, science proves common sense. Dogs require walking. Active seniors with pets have lower blood pressure, visit their doctors less frequently, require hospitalization less frequently and when they are hospitalized, the duration is shorter. Assisted living facilities and nursing homes have moved almost en masse to allowing visiting pets or housing a resident pet for their residents. The Delta Pet Partner certifies pets to visit nursing homes and hospice facilities. If you have an elderly parent, consider giving the gift of life, a companion dog.

Hostage miniature dog escapes and eludes captors

In 1992, a teeny tiny 11-year-old Pomeranian was reportedly stolen from its home in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The following January, a father/daughter team in Corpus Christie, Texas, saw a van chasing the little dog. The driver abandoned the van and began chasing the dog on foot, but could never catch the dog. Finally, the dog's captor fled the scene, abandoning the dog, an animal perhaps 1/20th the size of its captor. The daughter chased the dog, and the dog willingly jumped in her arms. Since the dog wore tags, the father/daughter team returned the dog to its owners.

What's next? Courier dogs?

Actually, that's old news! In 2001, it was reported that a then five-year-old golden retriever named J.C. delivered its owners' prescriptions from the pharmacy. The pharmacy was located in the same strip mall as the owners' shop in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, and J.C. always accompanied the owners to the pharmacy. The dog began carrying the prescriptions back from these outings. J.C.'s not just any old dog. It was reported that he took instruction well, and when instructed, he ran down to the pharmacy and returned with prescriptions in tow.

Since the beginning of their relationship with humans, dogs have fended for their owners, rescuing them from all sorts of perilous situations. Won't you consider rescuing a dog from the loneliness of life without an owner?

About the Author

M J Plaster is a successful author who provides information on shopping online for,, and M J Plaster has been a commercial freelance writer for almost two decades, most recently specializing in home and garden, the low-carb lifestyle, investing, and anything that defines la dolce vita.

Sep 10, 2014

Hands-On Homeschooling by Jeanette Steiner

What exactly is Hands-on Homeschooling?
Hands-on homeschooling is a method that focuses on "doing" to help children grasp a subject or concept. For example, instead of just reading about how to multiply, the child would use manipulatives to "act out" the problem as a visualize aid. This can be an very effective method for helping children who are kinesthetic learners and who might have difficulty connecting the dots without concrete real-life examples.
How to teach using a hands-on method
The main proponents of this style of schooling would be Charlotte Mason and Dr. Maria Montessori. Both of their methods focus on creative activity and exploration as an important part of a child's learning and development, rather than just sitting in a chair for five hours and completing workbook pages and reading textbooks.
A good place to start would be to go to the Simply Charlotte Mason website. There is a wealth of free resources and information on how to get started with her gentle methods.
Dr. Maria Montessori developed her teaching methods by observing children and how they best learned. The Montessori method focuses more on setting up an appropriate learning "environment" to aid children in learning. MichaelOlaf.Net is a great website for learning more about the Montessori method with several free e-books to download.
Using a hands-on approach supplementally
Both of these methods can also be combined with other methods as well, as they are easy to adapt. For instance, maybe your child does well with a computer-based math program. Your could still use Montessori or Charlotte Mason methods for literature, science, history, etc. Maybe you really want to use Abeka's curriculum. You could still supplement with hands-on unit studies from Greenleaf Press or Beautiful Feet for history to make their course of study more diverse and interesting.
Charlotte Mason and Maria Montessori both advocated a gentle and more natural approach to education rather than "forced" learning. These methods are not for every parent and child but are well worth learning more about. These methods are also very well suited to children who don't do as well with more traditional homeschooling methods.

About the Author

Jeanette is a single homeschooling mom of 7 with 11 years of experience. Read more articles like this full of tips and advice at

Sep 6, 2014


In 1978, I was ordained to the gospel ministry. To mark this special event, my parents surprised me with a new 1977 Dodge Aspen, the most spectacular present I ever received. It was white, with a red interior and beautiful cloth seats.

My old car had so many glitches and problems I took it to a psychiatrist. Finally, I donated it to the local junkyard and put it out of my misery.

At the time, a woman who attended our church lived four blocks away but insisted I pick her up for church each Sunday. Being young and naive, not to mention I needed warm bodies to fill the pews, I acceded to her request.

We called her Sister Claire and why she came to our church I never knew, but she faithfully attended each Sunday.

I picked her up just before the morning worship service and escorted her to the back pew. She rarely spoke to anyone and in all the years I knew her never smiled. She was not the kind of person you could get close to and cultivate confidences.

She always brought two quarters to church. One was for the collection plate and the other she gave to me for bringing her to church.

At first, I was reluctant to take it. She appeared to be tottering on the brink of poverty and I felt guilty about taking her money. Nevertheless, she insisted.

One Sunday as I picked her up I noticed something different. I could not put my finger on it, but something was definitely different about Sister Claire.

I escorted her to her usual pew and heard a smattering of muffled snickers. One thing I cannot stand is being on the outside circle of a joke.

Just before I went to the pulpit to begin the worship service my wife whispered, "Did you see Sister Claire's wig?"

I responded in typical pastoral fashion, "Huh?"

As I began the service, I could not take my eyes off Sister Claire. I had never noticed her hair looking that bad. I began the sermon segment of the worship service and realized why everyone was laughing.

I started to giggle. I coughed, cleared my throat, bit my lower lip but nothing could evaporate the giggle juices flowing through my entire body. Nothing is more pathetic than a giggle-doused minister trying to be serious and pastoral.

Sister Claire had her wig on backward. All I could think of were bad wig jokes and I did not know whether she was coming or going.

In all the time I knew Sister Claire, she called me to come to her home only once. She seemed upset so I hurried over to her house. I sat down and she blurted out, ''Pastor, they won't let me in the grocery store.''

I assured her I would look into the situation. I knew the manager of the grocery store, so I stopped in to see him and clear up the misunderstanding.

When I broached the subject, the manager stiffened and barked, "We have a court order against Claire ever coming into this store," with such conviction I realized it was something rather serious. Then he told me the story.

For several weeks packs of luncheon meat were found opened, with one bite taken out and the pack replaced. This confused everyone in the store so they kept a watch for the perpetrator.

Finally, someone spotted Claire opening a pack of luncheon meat. She took a bite, carefully closed it up and put it back.

I agreed with the manager that, for the good of the other customers, they should not allow Claire back in the store. We ordered meals-on-wheels for her and my wife and I often brought her a bag of groceries.

Shortly after getting my new car, an incident happened with Sister Claire that stretched my toleration. At the time, my life revolved around my new car. I know now it was wrong, but then I could only see that car.

Unbeknown to me, God put in motion a plan to cure me of my obsession. Have you ever noticed God knows just how to deal with us?

It was a normal Sunday morning and, as usual, I picked up Sister Claire for the worship service. I had the car for about a month and I still reveled in its newness.

Following the worship service, I took Sister Claire home. I watched her until she disappeared into her house. Then I noticed it. My first reaction was good old-fashioned outrage.

The seat where Sister Claire sat was soaked. Sister Claire had an accident on the front seat of my new car! Even now, after all those years, I still flinch a little.

I washed the front seat hundreds of times. Seven years later I traded it in for another car and, whether it was my imagination or not, I don't know, but I could still smell it.

When Sister Claire died two years after the incident, they found hundreds of thousands of dollars stashed throughout her house. She had no relatives and nobody knew where she got all that money.

When I heard this, I felt sad. All her money was not a blessing to her. She derived no pleasure from it nor did she ever receive any interest from it.

Not only could her money have been a blessing to her, but she could have used it to bless other people. She robbed herself of tremendous blessings.

I have come to recognize the source of all the blessings in my life. ''Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.'' (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 KJV.)

What God has placed in my hands is not to be selfishly consumed, but shared.

About the Author

James L. Snyder is a freelance writer and columnist living in Ocala, FL.

Sep 3, 2014

Master Health Check Up in Chennai by John Son

The general restorative examination is a typical type of preventive prescription including visits to a general specialist by well feeling grown-ups all the time. This is for the most part yearly or less much of the time. It is known under a few different names, for example, the occasional well being assessment, yearly physical, complete restorative exam, general well being check, or preventive well being examination. Proof does not backing its utilization by the overall public.
The term is by and large not intended to incorporate visits with the end goal of infant checks, Pap smears for cervical tumor, or general visits for individuals with certain interminable medicinal issue (for instance, diabetes). The general restorative examination for the most part includes a medicinal history, a (short or complete) physical examination and at times research facility tests. Some more praiseworthy tests incorporate ultrasound and mammography.
Albeit yearly medicinal examinations are a routine practice in a few nations, it is defectively underpinned by experimental proof in most of the populace. A 2012 Cochrane audit did not discover any profit as for the danger of death or poor conclusions identified with sickness in the individuals who got them. People who experience yearly therapeutic exams however are more inclined to be diagnosed with medicinal issues. Some striking associations suggest against yearly examinations. The American Cancer Society suggests a tumor related well being examination yearly in men and ladies more seasoned than 40, and like clockwork for those more seasoned than 20.

A precise survey of studies until September 2006 reasoned that the examination improves bring about conveyance of some other screening mediations, (for example, Pap smears, cholesterol screening, and fecal mysterious blood tests) and less patient stress. Confirmation upholds a few of these individual screening intercessions. The impacts of yearly check-ups on general expenses, understanding handicap and mortality, malady recognition, and transitional end focuses such a pulse or cholesterol, are uncertain. A late study found that the examination is connected with expanded interest in growth screening.
The absence of great proof stands out from populace studies demonstrating that the overall population is attached to these examinations, particularly when they are for nothing out of pocket.
In spite of rules prescribing against routine yearly examinations, a lot of people family doctors perform them. An expense for-administration health awareness framework has been proposed to advertise this practice. An option would be to tailor the screening interim to the age, sex, restorative conditions and danger variables of every patient. This implies picking between a wide assortment of tests.
The contentions for and against are comparable for some other screening meditations. The conceivable favorable circumstances incorporate identification and consequent avoidance or early treatment for conditions, for example, hypertension, liquor misuse, smoking, unfortunate eating regimen, weight and different growths. In addition, they could enhance the patient-doctor relationship and abatement persistent tension.
More private insurance agencies and even Medicare incorporate yearly physicals in their scope. A few executives oblige an obligatory well being checkup before employing a competitor. Most specialists will approach a patient for his or her late general restorative examination brings about request to move ahead with the surgery.
Disadvantages referred to incorporate the time and cash that could be spared by a more focused on screening (well being commercial concerns contention), a conceivable expanded nervousness over well being dangers (Medical), over diagnosis and mischief coming about because of unnecessary testing to recognize or affirm medicinal issues.

About the Author

Sep 1, 2014

Fernandina E-Cigarettes: The Healthier Alternative to Smoking Cigarettes by Matthew Davis

Although people are well aware that smoking cigarettes is dangerous to one's health there are millions of cigarette smokers all across the world at present. Cigarette smoking is responsible for various throat, cardiovascular, and lung diseases, just to mention a few. Moreover, according to various studies and researchers, it has been demonstrated that smoking is one of the major reasons for the untimely death of individuals worldwide. Thankfully, with the advents of technology, there is one extremely effective and healthier alternative available to smoking traditional cigarettes. Electronic cigaretts.
Electronic cigarttes, alternatively referred to as Ecigs, Electronic vaping devices, Personal Vaporizers, vape devices, etc. are basically battery operated devices used for vaping e-liquids. Fernandina e-cigarettes have witnessed tremendous popularity among residents within just a few years and for good reasons. Vaping is advantageous for people in more than just a few ways as it not only soothes one's cravings for nicotine, but it is also a healthier alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. It improves the sense of taste and smell and improves overall health, apart from being safer and more cost-effective as compared to standard cigarettes.
Personal vaporizers are comprised of three major components including batteries, e-liquid tanks, and cartomizers. The battery powers the cartomizer that warms the e-liquid in the tank to generate vapor. One can easily intake the vapor during this process. If you are a smoker and are looking for an effective way to overcome your habit of smoking then it is highly recommended to start using personal vapors resulting in leading a healthier and happier life.
There are quite a number of vapor lounges in Florida and all across the nation that offer unique vaping experiences to vapors in a soothing and captivating atmosphere. Some vapor lounges are aesthetically designed where you can sit back, enjoy various flavors, listen to some great music, and spend time with other vapors. Most vapor lounges carry large selections of personal vaporizers. If you are looking for unique Amelia vape experience, Speakeasy Vaporium is currently the only place in town that provides quality products and customer service.
So what are you waiting for? Surf internet and learn more about the best vapor lounge in town, Speakeasy Vaporium, to enjoy amazing Fernandina vape experience.
Personal vaporizers are comprised of three major components including batteries, e-liquid tanks, and cartomizers. The battery powers the cartomizer that warms the e-liquid in the tank to generate vapor. One can easily intake the vapor during this process. If you are a smoker and are looking for an effective way to overcome your habit of smoking then it is highly recommended to start using personal vapors resulting in leading a healthier and happier life.

About the Author

If you are looking for unique Amelia vape experience, Speakeasy Vaporium is currently the only place in town that provides quality products and customer service. For more information visit us:

Aug 31, 2014

Istanbul and Turkey for a Very Nice Summer Vacation by Yavuz Sertacbey

Me and my husband have a very long and we istanbul airport after yolvuluk, private airport transfers special hotel located in the Sultanahmet district went. The hotel has spacious rooms are very spacious and had great views of the sea and the Bosphorus. We got up early in the morning after a nice breakfast in the morning, we met with our tour guide told us very detailed information about the date and Istanbul. Istanbul is a part of the continent of Europe is the only city on the continent of Europe is a part. Many civilizations have lived in Istanbul. Istanbul became the world capital of culture in 2010 as a veil from Greece Bzantium lived in the Golden Horn. The Golden Horn is a natural inner harbor. Imparatorluuiki divided into Rome and Istanbul, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was. During this period, the Hippodrome Istanbul is made.
Hippodrome horse races and gladiator battles 2 obelisk brought from Egypt and this was used as an arena. The first structure in the Hippodrome 531 Hagia Sophia was made. Hagia Sophia was built as the world's largest orthodox church of Constantine and Justinian into this Jesus Mary and is decorated with paintings and mozik. Sultan Mehmet Istanbul in 1453 conquest had and this mosque serves as the here and once four minarets eklenmitir.hippodro my works done the magnificent Sultan Suleyman Vizier Ibrahim Pasha Mansion in handmade very large carpets are exhibited in the Turkish Islamic museum is located. Finally, in 1609, Sultan ahmet ado has been made to Blue mosque and here and here in the blue color decorated with Iznik tiles and 6 minarets are a huge dome. Finally, the German emperor to get fountain was built as a gift of the Ottoman sultans.
The journey takes approximately 4 hours from Istanbul to Canakkale city center after we arrived here and after a 30 minute ride we arrived at an open air museum in Troy We attended private and Troy Tours. Troy went to the open air museum and it's spread over a wide area and an open-air museum since 1980 almasd very large excavation and restoration is done. In particular, the first written document about Troy Hemeros Iley is described in the epic. Troy horse sculpture soldiers who secretly hidden in the castle gate and entered the war have been the winning side. Especially about Troy Troy movie in 2006 starring Brad Pitt, has a statue of a horse used in the movie Troy and Canakkale is on display in the city park. Troy is composed of 9 layers, and each layer describes a separate civilization.
Uak ride from Istanbul to Izmir airport after we arrived and here in Kusadasi with private vehicles went 4-star hotel located by the sea. The hotel is very large
and byk had the pool to swim and plenty throughout the day was very nice. Early in the morning after a nice breakfast in the open air museum of Ephesus with our tour guide
we went. The slopes here first inhabited by indigenous people had homes here and are made especially public celebrations and entertainment. 600 meytr path length of a king had made of marble and on the way to the town hall and the king's palace is located. first temple of Ephesus, which is a very nice building where people use a combination of open-air bathroom and entrance door with heart sign of love home and adorned with a statue of the king on both sides of the fountain are trojans. Finally, the challenge here, especially in Ephesus are Celcus Libray. This makes the two-storey statue is located on the front 4.
Finally we went to Pamukkale and this place and this place is a natural wonder, made from cotton or mountain resembles a castle. Pamukkale soft as cotton and white
There is an earth and Pamukkale is forbidden to walk with shoes. There are many small pools of Pamukkale and especially where people swim was beautiful. Pamukkale top
We went to the peak where we had tea gardens and wonderful panoramic views of Pamukkale where we drank tea and coffee watching. Pamukkale were here first and museums
Hirepolis ancient city in the excavations are exhibited here the statues and monuments. Finally here is very gzl and a Roman-era statue Clopatr the pillars of the ancient pool had been made and this is the time of the Roman imparatortlug healing thermal pools with temperatures 20-25 degrees and a very nice crowd at the pool was very nice to swim here. Finally, here Clopatr has been used as a beauty and health center.

About the Author

Yavuz Sertcabey I'm living in the city of Rome. Biologist and I just got married. I attended a very beautiful and very nice here istanbul turkey tours, especially very Ephesus tours, daily ephesus tours
I enter the number of the city. I watched numerous documentaries about Istanbul and Turkey've read the book and did research on the internet. Ephesus tour for the local support I received a travel acanta very professional and much success in this regard. You can find detailed information about all kinds of tours turkey.