Apr 23, 2013

The time has come

 According to Forest department rules, startling or high volume sounds should not be produced near the Elephant. That was interesting. Has anyone from the forest department ever been to a temple in Kerala if not a festival. Atleast somebody realised that finally the time has come to act.

Apr 22, 2013

How to avoid attacks from monkeys

A monkey might seem to be calmly sitting on a tree which encourages some people to get closer and do some things which will result in sudden attack. Monkeys are extremely curious and aware of their surrounding, watching your every move. They will immediately launch an attack if they feel threatened or confused by your actions. 

Avoid smiling at monkeys. For a monkey, showing teeth is a sign of threat and aggression. Asmile may provoke an unnecessary attack.

Always keep a safe distance from them. Moving forward towards an animal means challenging them.

Do not offer them food. Feeding monkeys creates dependency and may lead to aggression towards humans.

Avoid carrying food openly in the vicinity as this will incite monkeys to attack you to get hold of the food.

Do not take pictures. A monkey seeing its own reflection in the lens or the flash of your camera may trigger an attack.

Do not tempt or provoke them. Waving or throwing items or food at them may incite attack.

If the monkey has grabbed something, drop it or let go immediately. If it is a non-food item, they will examine it for a while, then loose interest. You can get it back. You risk being bitten if you hold on to the item.

If you encounter monkeys at close range unexpectedly, don't panic, run or make any quick moves. Be calm and gradually distance yourself from them while still facing towards them but try not to look in their eyes.

They have an impeccable sense of smell and will even detect unopened food. If a monkey is approaching you it could be for that food item in your pocket or handbag. Throw it on the ground as this can even distract his attention on you.

If you should get bitten, scrub the area with clean water and soap for 15 minutes. Seek help from a doctor.
The monkey could be carrying rabies virus so as a precaution post bite vaccinations a must. Rabies infection can go without symptoms during the incubation period of the virus. When symptoms start to show, its too late and there is no treatment after that. It is fatal if not treated immediately after the bite.

Any bite or scratch from the claws needs immediate medical attention even if there is no bleeding.

No animal wants to attack you just for fun. All animals have a certain way of warning before attacking most of the time. It can be by way of sound or by some gesture. It is important to know these signs and back off.

Apr 3, 2013

Attitude of most bus drivers in rural parts of India

This bus driver has overtaken the other vehicles waiting at a closed railway crossing gate. This bus is going to block the traffic coming down from other side when the gates open. The railway guard will be forced to open the gate on this side letting this bus go first to ensure there is no traffic jam. Yes, the guard opens the gates manually one by one.

Dudley labrador attacked by stray dogs

 Tyson the dudley labrador lying on the cool tile flooring of the bedroom. The marks on top of his head are the three spots of puncture wounds from a stray dog bite. He was given three anti-rabies post-bite vaccine shots. At least five stray dogs jumped the compound and launched an attack at 1:00 am. Have you seen dogs climb and jump compound walls as high as 7 ft? I can show you here in Chennai. Though i have observed this behavior in stray dogs only in that particular area of the city. A similar invasion took place about 4 months before this one when a total of eleven laying chickens, 1 majestic rooster, 3 full white guinea fowl, 2 pearl guinea fowl were killed within minutes. The dogs gained access into the coop after tearing apart the slightly rusted chicken wire mesh. It was a game night for the dogs and they left almost all the chickens there uneaten. One other incident was when a large barred rock hen was attacked when free ranging. She was taken away  by four dogs while i was watching and was eaten 75% within 2 minutes. I think that I should demand compensation from all those ignorant people protesting the removal of stray dogs.

Boy cooling off in the Cauvery river at Kallanai