Dec 31, 2012

The Grand Anicut in Tamilnadu

King Karikala Chola who built The Grand Anicut.
Karikala Chola, a famous king of the Chola dynasty of South India who built Kallanai (The Grand Anicut) during the 2nd century A.D over the river Cauvery.

Dec 27, 2012

Cow eating plastic

This parking area of a shopping complex and hotel in Ooty has turned into a garbage dumping area. This cow is left to forage in it. If you ever bought mutton or beef tripe for your dog here in India, it is quite common to find torn pieces of plastic bags in the intestine. My assumption is that those animals suffer severe stomach ache, become sick and finally reach the slaughter house. Btw, this picture was taken years after plastic carrybags were banned in the Nilgiris.
Municipal Officials in Ooty participating in anti-plastic campaign. Read on

Dec 26, 2012

Fortune for one species while hell for another

Broiler chickens being transported to local retail stores to be slaughtered so that some silly soul can have them dressed and delivered at home for a feast. This notsogentle man was spotted on his chicken bike in a rural part of Tamilnadu. The surprising fact is that you don't have to travel to a rural area to see this. These practices are widely seen in the big cities where the so called educated modern population turn a blind eye. The eyes open wide when the poor creatures arrive on the table for dinner.

Residence of men who make some of the best buildings in the country

This is a makeshift housing arrangement for construction workers of IT parks on OMR road, Chennai.
India's progress 5year after 5year should be gauged  from this picture and not the performance of the IT sector itself. The purpose of a government in my opinion is not to compete with other countries in various industries but to ensure the population right to the last man has the opportunity to earn and own decent food, shelter and clothing.